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Wonders of the English Language, 王旭, 9789861477213, 文鶴 , 書局, 網路書店, 金石堂,


Wonders of the English Language,作者:王旭,出版社:文鶴,ISBN:9789861477213


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有關Wonders of the English Language的詳細介紹如下:

Wonders of the English Language,作者:王旭,出版社:文鶴,ISBN:9789861477213

《Wonders of the English Language》

The book demystifies some of the peculiarities of the English language that the students may have wondered
about in the course of learning English. These peculiarities include: why the in women is pronounced like in
bit; why the in debt is silent; why the past tense of go is went; and why we can say he is an utter fool but we cannot
say *the fool is utter. The knowledge of the reasons behind these peculiarities enables the student to better appreciate the
language which has become the lingua franca of the world.
